About Our Club

We are an active and friendly club located in Adelaide's eastern suburbs. For forty years, our passionate members have been voluntarily dedicating their time and effort to delivering hands-on projects and services for our local community and for people in need abroad, as well as raising funds for important social and health-related causes.
To achieve this, we have a strong working relationship with local organisations, schools, and the Campbelltown City Council, supported by our incredible local business community.
If you have visited our kiosk at Thorndon Park Reserve, enjoyed one of our famous sausage sizzles, or purchased timber products from our team at the Athelstone Community Workshop, you have helped us to deliver meaningful change for those in need. Thank you!
Current and ongoing activities
Drawing on the skills and experience of our incredible club members, we have taken a lead role resourcing and coordinating an enormously impactful project designed to improve maternal and newborn health in Papua New Guinea. The project provides training for midwives, connecting them with Australian midwife 'buddies'. Midwives trained through the program in turn train community health care workers throughout the country, while working tirelessly to improve access to improved health services.
Our recently expanded Community Workshop brings people together to share their skills in woodworking and other crafts in a social and friendship environment. Members can come to the workshop to work on their own projects, and they can also help out on community projects. We offer a repair service to community members, and we design and build projects for other community groups, and we hold sales to raise funds.
Our club supports a range of youth initiatives to support career development and foster leadership. Each year, we offer a scholarship for an Indigenous nurse to complete their medical studies, we support local students to attend a variety of career forums, exchange, and leadership opportunities, and we contribute to Rotary's driver awareness and road safety initiatives.
The Dementia Connect Lounge is an initiative of the Rotary Club of Morialta, delivered with the support of the Campbelltown City Council and Dementia Australia SA. The initiative provides an opportunity for carers, friends and people with dementia to meet, socialise, share knowledge, and build networks of support. Our Connect Lounges are held monthly at the City of Campbelltown Library - Do you or someone you care about have dementia? Join us for a morning of coffee and connection in a safe and non-judgemental environment.
We manage and operate the kiosk at the enormously popular Thorndon Park reserve, on behalf of Campbelltown City Council. Club members and friends take turns to voluntarily work in the kiosk on weekends. This very successful fundraiser provides our club with significant funds each year to direct towards our projects, while offering a much-loved community service - particularly our ice creams on hot days!! Why not come by and say hello?!
Our specialty is cooking gourmet sausages and steak sandwiches with our modern mobile BBQ catering trailer. We cook at major functions, as well as at many local events, raising funds for local and overseas projects. As well as fundraising, we also provide a free BBQ service for local community groups and causes throughout the year.
In addition to the above ongoing projects, we regularly get involved in a wide range of projects and activities, big and small, in support of our community. Look out for us and say hello!
Club Beginnings and accomplishments
The provisional Club of Morialta was formed on 30 May 1984, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Campbelltown. The charter was issued on 17 September 1984 to a Club membership of 28, and the Charter night was held on 3 November 1984 at the Dom Polski Centre in Adelaide, where Charter President Trevor Stirling was inducted. The first meeting of the Rotary Club of Morialta was held on 6 June 1984.
Notable Accomplishments
Over our 40 years of existence, we are glad to be able to say that our small (but growing) club has punched above its weight. We have always been an active and innovative group of people, supporting one another to develop and contribute our unique strengths. Our club has a proud history of service, both delivering projects and events in our local community, and carrying out complex international development projects.
In addition to the activities listed above, our past projects have included:
- International Infancy, Midwifery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology (IMOG) Aid Program in East Timor. This project was fully developed by our club to save lives and improve the health of mothers and children. We provided a variety of services, including mobile midwife visit and ambulance operations.
- Development work and improvements to the Morialta Conservation Park and Picnic Ground.
- Training programs for long-term unemployed, with emphasis on youth literacy.
- Catering for Annual Christmas Party for young people with cancer.
- Multicultural Dance and Music Festival in Thorndon Park Reserve, February 2023
Friendship Club
Since 1995, we have enjoyed a friendship association with The Rotary Club of Usa in Japan. Our clubs visit each-other on a two-year rotating basis. This is a unique opportunity to share culture, knowledge, and friendship.